KVS Seshasai is an experienced senior leader with a demon- strated history of success in Education and Retail. He is an Electronics Engineer, with an MBA from IIM Ban- galore and is a Chevening Scholar from the London School of Economics. With more than 3 de- cades of industry experi- ence with proven expertise in strategy execution and business excellence, Sesha- sai has displayed strong business development skills throughout his career. As the CEO for the PreK Division at Lighthouse Learning Group, Seshasai is responsible for the growth and sustenance of the EuroKids and Kan- garoo Kids chain of preschools and the Billabong High International franchise schools. He manages a franchisee network of more than 1700 pre-schools with an aim to provide quality early childhood education to every child in the country. He is a beacon of success for the company who envisions being the market leaders in next 3 years.
CEO, PreK Division- Lighthouse Learning Group